Back-to-school season signals sports, schedules and one other important staple -- snacks. If you hear, “I’m hungry!” the second your child hops in the car, you’re in good company. It’s common for kids to have an appetite after school. School-aged children eat early in the day, … [Read more...]
Teens and the Advantages of Risk-taking
If you think your teenager is dramatic, you’re probably right: dramatic brain changes experienced during adolescence may explain increased exploration and risk-taking. So don’t fret, parents! It’s normal (and necessary) for teenagers to take risks. Adolescents are going to … [Read more...]
3 Secrets to Summer Schedules
“I need a vacation,” said no dental routine ever. But you and your family do need a break. Fortunately, school is out for summer! From family trips to sports and sleepovers, kids have the freedom to enjoy a much-needed vacation. Remember – summer is a break, not a … [Read more...]
Fuel Your Imagination During National Library Week
It’s National Library Week! Make like Curious George and swing by your library to take a peek! From mystery to history, there are endless books to read in your nook. It’s time to turn off the computer, tuck the tablet away and dive into a book. Here are some ideas to fuel … [Read more...]
Check Out Some Library Love: The Perfect Book for Your Child [INFOGRAPHIC]
April 12th-18th is National Library Week. This year’s theme is, “unlimited possibilities at your library.” We’re embracing that theme with our latest infographic. Grab your little one, pick a book and get reading! Best of all, most of these smile-ducational books are … [Read more...]