Water is essential. It comprises 70% of the Earth’s surface, and without it, we wouldn’t exist. Every system of your body depends on H2O. It promotes a moist environment for your ears and throat, flushes away toxins and helps you feel (and look) your best. Water is … [Read more...]
Come on Down! You’re the Next Contestant on the Stress-Free Fight
Managing stress can be trickier than choosing the winning case on Deal or No Deal. Stress causes many of us to fall into bad habits, which can be hazardous to our well-being. Spinning the wheel on Wheel of Fortune takes luck. Fortunately, the stress game is one you can win. … [Read more...]
4 Reasons Why It’s Easy Being Green
A wise frog once told us, “It’s not easy being green.” Well, no offense Kermit, but we have to disagree. There are so many emerald wonders to enjoy! Forget 4-leaf clovers. Here are 4 shamrockin’ selections -- guaranteed to fill your body and smile with lots ‘o luck: 1. … [Read more...]
Turn Pregnancy Symptoms into a Smile
Did you just find out you’re hapai or pregnant? If so, congratulations on your bouncing baby to be! If you’re still trying, this month may be the time for you. According to a recent study conducted by the CDC, November is the month of the year women are most likely to get … [Read more...]