Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, according to a study by the National Coffee Association. More than 50 percent of Americans drink a cup daily. Attention coffee lovers - consider these tips to help make sure your teeth stay in tip-top shape: … [Read more...]
All Treats, No Tricks: Healthier Halloween Trick-or-Treat Options
Looking for ways to give out healthier trick-or-treats this year? We’re not going to tell you to give out pennies and peppermints — that would be more terrifying than a haunted house! Instead, we’re sharing healthier trick-or-treats to pass out. This year, hand out these … [Read more...]
Get Fit for Your Smile: IRONMAN Inspiration
In just a few days, Hawaii will host triathlon’s most iconic event – the 2014 IRONMAN World Championship. The inaugural "Hawaiian IRONMAN Triathlon" was started in 1977 as a way to challenge athletes. Honolulu-based Navy couple, Judy and John Collins proposed combining the … [Read more...]
Top Gums: Feel the Need—The Need to Prevent Gum Disease
If you don’t already feel the need to prevent gum disease, we’re here to tell you why you should. Gum disease can take two forms—gingivitis and a more advanced form, periodontitis. Both diseases come with a myriad of nasty symptoms including receding gums, gum pain and teeth … [Read more...]
Talk Like a Pirate; Don’t Treat Your Teeth Like One! *Infographic*
Shiver me timbers, matey! On September 19th, we celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Ye landlubbers wouldn’t know it, but there may have been a reason the scallywags of the 7 seas downed so much grog: their oral health habits were atrocious! Avast! Ye better be … [Read more...]