Toothpaste helps our teeth shine, but what else can it clean? Here are 5 of our favorite cleaning hacks to add to your keiki chore list.
1. Clean Your Headlights
One of toothpaste’s best-kept secrets can make your high beams brighter! Spread the paste evenly over your headlights. Scrub slowly with an old rag and watch those lights shine! To finish, rinse with water. *This doesn’t work on glass headlights, so make sure you double-check before you clean.
2. Polish Their Shoes
The sole of their muddy sneakers desperately need it. All you need is an old toothbrush and some non-gel toothpaste. Scrub for a few minutes, and then wipe down with a damp cloth.
3. Dust Your Diamonds
Skip the jeweler and let little ones (carefully) clean your bling at-home. Use warm water and toothpaste to scrub the diamond with an old toothbrush. Your stone should shine after about 1 minute of cleaning. *Do not use if your diamond has a gold setting, as toothpaste may be too abrasive.
4. Wash Their Hands
This new way of washing up before dinner may make them want to do it. Simply sprinkle, dab and rub your hands together. Voila! Instant deodorizer.
5. Clean Their Clothing
This one works great on spaghetti stains! Put non-gel toothpaste on the stain and rub fabric vigorously. Rinse with water. If needed, repeat the process a few more times until the stain is gone.
What home hacks are your favorite? Share your secrets in the comments section!
[…] For ideas on what toothpaste can be used for, click here! […]